Kontraktor & Interior Desain Profesional

CV. Rumah Decor Solutions merupakan Perusahaan kontruksi yang berlokasi di Bali, sudah terpercaya dan berpengalaman lebih dari 20 tahun. Hadir untuk mewujudkan proyek impian anda dengan kualitas konstruksi   yang terbaik dan dengan harga yang terjangkau serta memberikan garansi konstruksi selama 10 tahun & garansi interior selama 1 tahun.

People are working on the interior renovation of a room that appears to be under construction. A worker on a scaffold is painting the ceiling, while others are seated or discussing the progress. The room has smooth, gray walls with arched recesses and a modern design vibe. There are tools and materials scattered around, including a ladder, paint cans, and some rocks or construction debris on the floor. Overhead, stylish pendant lights provide illumination as natural light streams in from windows.
People are working on the interior renovation of a room that appears to be under construction. A worker on a scaffold is painting the ceiling, while others are seated or discussing the progress. The room has smooth, gray walls with arched recesses and a modern design vibe. There are tools and materials scattered around, including a ladder, paint cans, and some rocks or construction debris on the floor. Overhead, stylish pendant lights provide illumination as natural light streams in from windows.

Tim kami yang berdedikasi di Rumah Decor Solutions berkomitmen untuk memberikan layanan dekorasi bangunan berkualitas tinggi, memastikan setiap proyek mencerminkan visi klien kami dan meningkatkan keindahan bangunan mereka.

Lebih dari 20 Tahun keahlian membangun
Penyelesaian lebih dari 200 proyek yang beragam

Layanan yang Kami Tawarkan

Ubah ruangan Anda dengan layanan dekorasi dan interior rumah dengan para ahli kami yang dirancang khusus untuk Anda.

Interior Design
A beautifully decorated interior features a beige wall with intricate geometric tile patterns along the lower half and ornate white engravings around the doorway. There is a decorative wall lamp with an intricate design. In the foreground, lush green plants add a natural touch to the setting.
A beautifully decorated interior features a beige wall with intricate geometric tile patterns along the lower half and ornate white engravings around the doorway. There is a decorative wall lamp with an intricate design. In the foreground, lush green plants add a natural touch to the setting.

Desain khusus yang mencerminkan gaya Anda dan meningkatkan lingkungan tempat tinggal Anda dengan indah dan fungsional.

An interior space appears to be under renovation, featuring a large, decorative marble wall with an intricate pattern. Scaffolding, tools, and materials are scattered throughout the room, including a cart, power tools, and a table. The room is lit by natural light coming through large windows, adding to the sense of openness.
An interior space appears to be under renovation, featuring a large, decorative marble wall with an intricate pattern. Scaffolding, tools, and materials are scattered throughout the room, including a cart, power tools, and a table. The room is lit by natural light coming through large windows, adding to the sense of openness.
Renovasi & Remodeling

Perbarui rumah Anda dengan layanan renovasi dan remodeling untuk setiap ruangan.

Kontraktor ahli yang memberikan hasil karya berkualitas tinggi untuk semua kebutuhan dekorasi rumah Anda.

Kualitas Pengerjaan Terjamin
Furniture Custom

Kami siap untuk mewujudkan desain furniture impian anda dengan kualitas yang terbaik serta bergaransi.

Wujudkan desain Sofa impian anda bersama kami untuk menyempurnakan ruangan impian anda.

Sofa Custom

Kami menawarkan layanan Instalasi dan pelistrikan yang langsung ditangani oleh para ahli kami.

Mechanical Electrical

Kostumisasi Blind & Curtains sesuai kebutuhan untuk menyempurnakan ruangan anda.

Blind & Curtains


Jalan Pura Demak VI no.12, Tegal Harum, Kec. Denpasar Barat, Bali 80119


Explore our stunning home interior decoration projects and designs.